Hello again, dear readers!
In our last post, we introduced ourselves as the Housing Resource Hub of Northeast Indiana, the first prototype of the H.O.M.E. (Housing Optimization through Market Empowerment) Method. Today, we want to dive a little deeper and talk about what we do here and why it matters.
Simply put, we're in the business of creating sustainable housing production systems. We recognize that each community has its unique needs and potentials, and our job is to tap into those and make the most out of them.
Our journey begins with understanding and quantifying the housing market potential in a given community. We collaborate with local and state governments, banks, lenders, HUD-certified Housing Counselors, nonprofits and Club 720 coaches to gather data, analyze trends, and understand the unique housing needs of the community. We then translate this understanding into actionable strategies and solutions, custom-tailored for each community we work with.
But we don't stop there. We take it one step further. Using the insights we gain, we establish a localized housing resource hub - a centralized, accessible platform for all housing-related services in the area. Here's where Club 720 comes in. Club 720, a free mobile app invented by our founder Heather Presley-Cowen, connects potential buyers and renters with a variety of housing-related services. Think of it as an Amazon for housing services - everything you need, all in one place. A software-as-a-service model platform that supports workforce housing initiatives, Club 720 serves as the software housing resource hubs use to measure outcomes all the way to the individual level. This empowers our communities, their leaders and investors to measure the efficacy of their policies and investments in real-time.
In essence, what we do is empower local communities to solve their housing issues, using market forces and targeted, sustainable strategies. We bring the right people to the table, facilitate collaboration, and foster an environment where sustainable housing production can thrive.
In the next post, we'll talk about why we do what we do. Stay tuned and see you then!